Group Naturopathic Consults for Endometriosis 2023
As you may know, I have recently completed a clinical trial for Group Naturopathic Consults for people with Endometriosis. It was such a fantastic experience to take this beautiful group of humans on a journey through 12 weeks of education, sharing and support. You may already be a patient of Vibe Natural Health and understand the benefits of naturopathic medicine in the treatment of your chronic condition but to see how much this group experience benefited people with Endometriosis was so inspiring.
Group Naturopathic Consults is a new thing for naturopaths, we don't know many other practitioners who are using this treatment method in clinic (but it is becoming more widely used and has been used in mainstream medicine around the world with great success!). Having done this trial, and completed numerous educational courses on how to deliver this type of care we are so excited to offer this to Vibe clients.
So, what are Group Naturopathic Consults and how can they help you?
The first part of the session is about education - we delve into a relevant topic on your condition to help empower you to understand the nature of Endometriosis.
In each session you will receive personalised care - these are called "Check-Ins. This is your naturopathic consult. They are carried out in front of the other participants, which may seem strange at first, however, you'll soon discover that each time you hear someone else's check-in you'll learn a lot about yourself. They are much shorter than our usual naturopathic consultations, so we focus on one area at a time, help with your prescription, and go through your pathology or test results.
There is always an opportunity for a brief private one-on-one with Ananda during the session which can be arranged prior to each session if you have something you don't feel comfortable to disclose in front of the group.
As a naturopath I will be running each session, and there is also a highly trained group facilitator - Sophia Gerontakos - who will coordinate the groups, keep us on time, take notes and help you with all your needs.
Group Consults
Be part of a group that understand your unique experience.
Oh, there are so many!
We know that when you experience chronic health conditions there is a huge sense of feeling alone. The most beautiful benefit of the Group Consults is the incredible, non-judgemental support the participants give each other. The connection and peer support and group-initiated empowerment is a benefit you get from group consults that you don’t get from 1:1 care.
You also get increased education, both through the topic of each session delivered by the naturopath and through the experiences and check-ins of all participants in the group. Often other people will ask questions that are relevant to you that you just hadn’t remembered or thought to ask yourself.
Plus, you get to continue your naturopathic treatment in a more cost-effective and professional way.
You get education, group connection, naturopathic care and ongoing support.
Endometriosis is a complex condition and we'll be addressing all of this - gut, immune, mental health, sex, body-mind life - all of it. We will not specifically be addressing fertility cases - what we mean by this is that if you are actively trying to fall pregnant or undergoing fertility treatment this will have to be carried out in one-on-one consults. Please let Ananda know if you have questions about this.
Group Consults do not replace one-on-one consults - but you may not need both. Many of the existing Group members learn when something is specific for the group but also when you may need more targeted support. Ideally, we want you to get the most benefits from the group work as your primary place of care.
Group consults are not group therapy - we all come with our own experiences and life decisions - there is always a place to offer support, but we are really mindful of unwarranted advice giving and encourage peaceful communication styles.
Understand complexity
We cover gut, immune, mental health, sex, body-mind and more.
The group consultations are currently running on Monday from 5.30-7pm via Telehealth. The next group kicks off on Monday 20th of February.
Each Telehealth session will be 90 minutes on-line.
They will run fortnightly.
There are only 7 places on each program available for now.
There will be a cost for each session, which is $60.
We are asking that you commit to at least 4 sessions in one go and we ask you to pay for the 4 sessions upfront to book in - we know that you get more out of the group work with consistency in turning up fortnightly. Group consults work best for you when you commit to regular sessions. It isn't a drop-in clinic - the magic happens when we all work together over the weeks.
If are interested in booking a spot or have any questions please reach out via the contact page or let me know if you prefer a phone call and we can have a chat.