Educate & Motivate
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks to educate and inform on the topics of skin health and chronic pain.
Some things can’t be simplified!
A scroll through socials would have me believe that my skin issue or my pain is not because of the food I’m eating or my dairy intake or the topical products I’m using, but it all comes down to my gut health or my hormones or xxx. And yes, it might be a factor but is it just that simple? Fix this one problem and my xxx will resolve. Well, the simple answer is no!
The Gut-Joint Connection
Traditionally, OA has been understood as a condition driven by mechanical factors such as joint wear and tear and genetic predisposition. However, recent research reveals that inflammation plays a causal role in the disease’s progression and symptoms.
Start your journey to feeling better
Book a discovery call or your appointment through Vibe Clinic’s convenient online booking system.