
Educate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks to educate and inform on the topics of skin health and chronic pain.

Ananda Mahony Ananda Mahony

Some things can’t be simplified!

A scroll through socials would have me believe that my skin issue or my pain is not because of the food I’m eating or my dairy intake or the topical products I’m using, but it all comes down to my gut health or my hormones or xxx. And yes, it might be a factor but is it just that simple? Fix this one problem and my xxx will resolve. Well, the simple answer is no!

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Skin health Ananda Mahony Skin health Ananda Mahony

Nutrition for psoriasis

When it comes to inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis, nutrition is a key factor in disease management and several studies are showing that the keto diet may be detrimental for psoriasis. The keto diet is a low carbohydrate diet with up to 50% of food intake from fats. It has gained popularity over the last decade, promoted for various conditions from Alzheimer’s to obesity. This eating pattern is popular but what are the effects on psoriasis?

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Skin health Ananda Mahony Skin health Ananda Mahony

Psoriasis risk factors

Psoriasis risk factors

Written By Ananda Mahony

A review in the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health highlights nutrition as a risk factor for psoriasis, suggesting that overall diet, body weight and quality of nutrition are significant triggers of disease development and exacerbating factors, with potential to worsen the disease severity.

Psoriasis a chronic immune-mediated condition associated with significant inflammation. Metabolic risk (characterised by central weight, high blood sugar, blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol) is linked with increased severity of psoriasis and the current understanding is that inflammation may be the common link.

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Skin health Ananda Mahony Skin health Ananda Mahony

Overcoming psoriasis

Overcoming psoriasis

In this podcast with Andrew Whitfield-Cook from FX Medicine, I discuss how to overcome psoriasis, a devastating disease not just because of the outward expression of the red rash and silvery scales, but also because of the co-morbidities and frequently unsatisfactory results gained by medical management alone.

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Skin health Ananda Mahony Skin health Ananda Mahony

The scaly issue of psoriasis

The scaly issue of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation that affects about 1 to 5% of the population worldwide. Itching and abnormal flushing are also common features. Primarily affecting adults, psoriasis is caused by an accelerated skin cell turn over and has a strong genetic component.. Those who suffer from this disease often experience physical, social and emotional trauma. The exact cause is unknown; however, researchers believe that heredity, environment, and the immune system may also play a role in psoriasis.

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